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NBA 2K23 Review
发布时间:2024-06-26 01:27:57【篮球快讯】人次阅读
摘要 There was a shocking moment of realization for me a few hours into my MyCareer experience: the allotment of virtual currency (VC) I’d earned during that ti
There was a shocking moment of realization for me a few hours into my MyCareer experience: the allotment of virtual currency (VC) I’d earned during that time was enough to buy my character a new pair of pants. Not a particularly special pair of pants, mind you, but a pair of Under Armour black sweats that look similar to the ones I wear when I go shoot hoops. Not a terribly impressive reward, and I was already feeling poor after spending the majority of the 100,000 VC that came with the $100 Michael Jordan Edition of NBA 2K23 just to get my player’s attributes up to a level that felt competitive for some court action in The City, NBA 2K23’s impressively large hub for all things MyCareer.
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